Nan, Inc. Donates $300,000 to the Mukti-Mancha Foundation

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Understanding that not everyone is as fortunate to experience positivity in their lives, Nan has always been committed to giving back to the community. It is not only our responsibility, but it is Nan’s belief that such acts are the essence of living a full and rewarding life. With that said, we are happy to announce that another great opportunity has been presented where we will be able to expand our “aloha” and continue our mission.

Beginning in 2013, Nan will make an annual donation to help build and support orphanages around the world, joining the fight in ending poverty worldwide. This year, Nan will be sponsoring and supporting a foundation in Bangladesh called the Mukti-Mancha Foundation, which literally means “a stage for freedom.” The Mukti-Mancha Foundation provides much needed books, supplies, clothing, medical aid, and tuition for about 120 deserving children, who work and strive to improve their lives and family.

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